Monday, April 27, 2015
You Must Trust Yourself Before you can be Trusted by Others
As you develop your leadership skills obviously you learn how to lead organizations and others. What about leading you? What do you do in order to, or how do you, lead yourself? What does it take?
One of the more important parts of leadership is trust. You expect, hope, or desire the trust of those you lead. However, you must also trust yourself. When things are difficult, when you have to make decisions, you have to trust that what you decide is correct. If you don’t then that decision making becomes difficult if not impossible. I am certain that in your life you have had difficulty making a decision. It could have happened only once; it could have happened many times. Yet, you struggled with the choices you had to make. Your ability or inability to make that final decision was based solely on how well you trusted your own judgment. Think about the power and responsibility that comes with that level of trust.
Sometimes we refer to trusting ourselves as “self-confidence.” In other words, we are confident that are actions will cause the appropriate outcome. Or, we made a bad decision once, were chastised for it and now are afraid to make decisions at all – we lack self-confidence. Consequently the confidence, or lack of confidence, that we have in our abilities is a form of trust. If you don’t trust in yourself how can you expect others to trust in you?
Few of us will ever have to make literal life and death decisions. Many of us will have to make life altering or changing decisions. All of us will most certainly make important decisions. How well we do comes from trust. However, that trust is fed by certain things.
That trust is developed by our knowing we have the skills and knowledge about the activity to act. You know that you can communicate your vision about what you have chosen to do; you know that before you do that you will have listened to what those who follow you had to say.
You also know that deep inside you care about the effect, the impact, the outcome of your decision. All of those skills, attributes and behaviours are critical elements of the trust you have established with yourself.
Building trust, both in yourself and with others takes time and effort. Some simple steps are:
· Lead by example – if you set an example of trustworthiness, you begin the development of gaining trust and trusting yourself. If you are always looking for the next angle or trying to beat the system you begin to develop distrust. When distrust develops you not only distrust others but you distrust yourself.
· Communicate openly – Discuss issues with your team openly and honestly. Even when mulling things over in your head, be honest and open with yourself. This is where a strong level of emotional intelligence is important.
· Get to know yourself and others – Knowing who your team members are, on a personal level, is critical to gaining their trust. Understanding who you are is important to building your own self trust.
· Don’t blame others – never blame others for the failures of the group. Take personal responsibility.
As you gain the trust of others your trust in self will develop and strengthen also. The two together become like the snowball rolling down the hill. They get larger and larger.
Obviously you must be careful to not lose trust. Trust, once it is lost, is very difficult to reclaim. Should that ever occur you have to ensure that your steps toward regaining trust are adequate and ultimately successful. Equally important, they must be sincere. These steps are:
· The first step in regaining trust is taking complete ownership of whatever caused the trust to be lost. It is your responsibility and is not, was not, never will be, caused by anything else.
· The second step is to accept the loss and recovery from it as a learning experience. We learn as much, if not more, from mistakes we make than from our successes.
· The third step is to not over react. It is not uncommon to add to or create processes that ensure mistakes don’t happen. This excess bureaucracy causes even more mistakes because it not only slows down the process but it can also stop the process.
· The Fourth step is to ask others for help. Do not try to solve these issues all by yourself. This sends a message that you don’t trust others. If they sense that then they will not trust you. Share the effort and share the success.
· The last step is do not rush. Let the process take the time it needs. Do not try and force it but also do not become apathetic or laissez faire about the process. Move it forward at a pace that is appropriate for the situation.
Trust is one of the more critical aspects of leadership. Without trust you have nothing. With trust, providing you sustain it, you can do anything. Simply put…trust is everything. As your trust in self increases, others will increase their trust in you. These two parts are mutually inclusive and as they grow, will improve your leadership abilities.
Three Questions You Should Ask Yourself Everyday
What have I learned today?
Not all learners are leaders, but all leaders are learners.
Our minds are our most precious resource. What we learn and how we use those new tools enables our success. Take time each day to ask yourself, “what have I learned today?” Reach out and make a true effort to expand your knowledge. You never know when that new information will come in handy. Remember, if we aren't learning we aren't growing.
Have I added value to the people around me?
We are elevators. we can either lift up the people around us or we can put them down. We should actively seek to build up our teams, our neighbors, our communities. None of us are going to change the world tomorrow. Change on this scale takes a dedicated effort every day to add to the lives of those around us.
Ask yourself at the end of the day, “Have I added value to those around me?” Don't be a leaner, be a lifter.
What were my successes?
We are our own worst saboteur. Self doubt, mind reading, and self hate work to prevent us from reaching our best selves. This train is extremely easy to ride with out even realizing unless we actively stop from stepping on. We tend to focus on our failures. The ways we could have done something better. This thinking is toxic.
Reminding ourselves what we got right is the best antidote. Reflect each evening by asking yourself this question. “What were my successes”. Remember to give yourself the credit you deserve. Even if it is just celebrating that you brushed your teeth today.
Three a day helps us get better every day
These three questions don't seem like much. However, ensuring we ask them every day helps us live our lives a little better than yesterday. Self defeat is our biggest enemy and we can combat it by self-reflection. Reminding ourselves what we've learned, how we've added to the people around us, and how we've succeed brings us just a little closer to the best version of ourselves.
- Article by James Greenway (@NerdCred on Twitter)
3 Simple Interview Questions to Ask Every Job Candidate
Interview questions: we all have them, -- especially because some candidates are a lot better at interviewing than they are at working. (Admit it. You've hired at least one person like that.)
For a different approach to getting the core info you need about the candidates you interview, here's a simple but extremely effective interview technique.
Here's how it works. Grab the resume, start from the beginning of the candidate's work history, and work your way through each subsequent job. Move quickly and don't ask for detail. And don't ask follow-up questions, at least not yet.
Just go through each job and ask the same three questions:
1. How did you find out about the job?
2. What did you like about the job before you started?
3. Why did you leave?
"What's amazing," Younger told me, "is that after a few minutes you will always have learned something about the candidate -- whether positive or negative -- that you would never have learned otherwise."
Here's why.
"How did you find out about the job?"
Most people find their first few jobs on general postings, online listings, job fairs, etc, so that's certainly not a red flag.
But candidates who continue to find each successive job from general postings probably haven't figured out what they want to do... and where they would like to do it. Generally speaking those people are just looking for a job; often, any job.
And that probably means they aren't particularly eager to work for you. Again, they just want a job and yours will do... until something else comes along.
"Plus, by the time you get to job three, four, or five in your career and you haven't been pulled into a job by someone you previously worked for, that's a red flag," Younger says. "That shows you didn't build relationships, develop trust, and display a level of competence that makes someone go out of their way to bring you into their organization."
And that's why being pulled in to a job is like a great reference; people don't hire people they really know unless those people are awesome.
"What did you like about the job before you started?"
In time, interviewees should describe the reason they took a particular job for reasons more specific than "great opportunity," "chance to learn about the industry," or "next step in my career."
Great employees don't work hard solely because of lofty titles or huge salaries. They work hard because they appreciate their work environment and enjoy what they do. (Titles and salary are just icing on the personal fulfillment cake.)
That means they know the kind of environment they will thrive in, and they know the type of work that motivates and challenges them -- and not only can they describe it, they actively seek it.
"Why did you leave?"
Sometimes people leave for a better opportunity. Sometimes they leave for more money.
Often, though, people leave because an employer was too demanding. Or because they didn't get along with their boss. Or they didn't get along with co-workers.
When that is the case, don't be judgmental. Hold on to follow-up questions and stick to the rhythm of the three questions, because that makes it easier for candidates to be more open and candid when discussing subsequent jobs.
Do that and many candidates will describe issues with management or disagreements with other employees or with taking responsibility -- issues they otherwise would not have shared.
Then, when you've worked your way through every job, follow up on patterns that concern you.
"The three questions are a quick way to get to get to the heart of a candidate's sense of teamwork and responsibility," Younger says. "Some people never take ownership and always see problems as someone else's problem. And some candidates have consistently had problems with their bosses -- which means they'll also surely have issues with you."
And a bonus question:
"How many people have you hired, and where did you find them?"
Say you're interviewing candidates for a leadership position. Want to know how their direct reports feel about them? Don't just look for candidates who were brought into an organization by someone else; look for candidates who brought employees into their organization.
"Great employees go out of their way to work with great leaders," Younger says. "If you're tough but fair and you treat people well, many will go out of their way to keep working with you. The fact that employees changed jobs just so they could work for you speaks volumes about your leadership and people skills."
Every small business owner needs to know the basics of bookkeeping
Most small business owners know that it is a legal requirement to retain financial records for six years, but staying on top of your finances will keep you up-to-date with your cash flow – the most vital financial statement for any small business owner.
3 simple bookkeeping tips for the small business owner
1. Be aware of the basic set of accounts - a cash book to record money entering and leaving the business; a sales ledger, detailing money received and amounts still owed; a purchase ledger to track outgoings; and a wages book, which details salary payments and National Insurance contributions.
2. Once aware of the basics employ a suitably qualified bookkeeper or accountant to keep your records for you - especially if you don't feel confident enough to tackle it yourself. A good bookkeeper or accountant can ensure you keep the right records, stay on top of your finances and free you up to get on with establishing and growing your business. They can also help you avoid potentially expensive mistakes!
3. If you decide to do the bookkeeping yourself – invest time in researching the cloud accounting options available to you, quite often they come with excellent support as well. Budget around £100 – 200 (+vat) per annum for a quality bookkeeping software package. Once invested, take the time to attend the training courses to get the best out of the system. Make friends with an accountant or appropriately qualified bookkeeper who can help you out when you get stuck on how to process a transaction or whether you can claim input VAT on an expense etc.
Whichever option you decide, whether outsourcing your bookkeeping or doing it yourself, ensure that you spend the time to understand the basics of bookkeeping. It is critical that you understand the numbers behind your business and having to do this in your spare time goes with the territory of the self-employed, but it is essential if your business is to survive and prosper.
Sunday, April 26, 2015
“Single Lady” ភាពយន្តថៃបង្ហាញអត្ថន័យជ្រាលជ្រៅនៃស្នេហា
ខ្សែភាពយន្តស្នេហារ៉ូមែនទិកដល់កំពូលរបស់ថៃ “Single Lady” ដែលល្បីនៅឯថៃនោះ នឹងមានបញ្ចាំងនៅកម្ពុជាចាប់ពីថ្ងៃស្អែកនេះហើយ។
Aum តារាស្រីល្បីឈ្មោះចាស់វស្សា តែក្មេងស្អាតដដែល គឺជាតួឯកក្នុងរឿងនេះដែលមានឈ្មោះ Bright ខណៈកំពូលតារាសម្ដែង និងកំប្លែង នាយ ម៉ាប់ ដែលប្រិយមិត្តស្គាល់តាមរយៈរឿង “អ្នកប្រដាល់មិនដែលឈ្នះ” ក៏បង្ហាញមុខដែរ។
Bright ដើរតួជាអ្នកនិពន្ធដ៏ជោគជ័យម្នាក់ តែនៅក្រមុំចាស់មិនទាន់មានសង្សារ ខណៈមិត្តភ័ក្ដិរៀបការអស់បណ្ដើរៗ ដោយប្រកាន់ថាប្រុសៗជាមនុស្សបោកប្រាស់ ក្រោយនាងឈឺចាប់ និងអស់ជំនឿដោយសារប្រុសៗ។ ប៉ុន្តែ នាងបានជួបគ្រូទាយដ៏ពូកែម្នាក់ដែលប្រាប់ថា នាងអាចនឹងមានរឿងអាក្រក់ៗកើតឡើង ដោយសារតែចំណងមិនទាន់ស្រាយរវាងនាង និងអតីតសង្សារជាច្រើនតាំងពី វិទ្យាល័យ សាកលវិទ្យាល័យ។ ហើយនាងអាចនឹងជួបគូព្រេងពិត ក្នុងពេលទៅដោះស្រាយរឿងជំពាក់ស្នេហ៍ចាស់ៗកាលពីអតីត។ ចំណងស្នេហ៍អតីតបែកគ្នារបស់នាង និងសង្សារចាស់ ៥ នាក់ សុទ្ធតែជាការយល់ច្រឡំ ដែលបណ្ដាលឲ្យដៃគូទាំងសងខាងខូចចិត្ត។ គូព្រេងពិតនាងស្ថិតក្នុងចំណោមមនុស្សអតីតក្បែរនាងដែរ។
តើ Bright ទាំងស្អាត ទាំងពូកែ និងជាមនុស្សស្រីដែលប្រុសៗពិបាកទាក់ទង អាចដោះស្រាយចំណងស្នេហ៍អតីតបានយ៉ាងណា? នាងអាចរកឃើញគូស្នេហ៍ពិតដែរអត់?
ចង់ដឹងច្បាស់ សូមកុំភ្លេចទស្សនារឿង “Single Lady” ដែលនឹងបញ្ចាំងនៅរោងភាពយន្តផ្លាទីនៀម ចាប់ពីថ្ងៃស្អែកនេះតទៅ៕
Aum តារាស្រីល្បីឈ្មោះចាស់វស្សា តែក្មេងស្អាតដដែល គឺជាតួឯកក្នុងរឿងនេះដែលមានឈ្មោះ Bright ខណៈកំពូលតារាសម្ដែង និងកំប្លែង នាយ ម៉ាប់ ដែលប្រិយមិត្តស្គាល់តាមរយៈរឿង “អ្នកប្រដាល់មិនដែលឈ្នះ” ក៏បង្ហាញមុខដែរ។
Bright ដើរតួជាអ្នកនិពន្ធដ៏ជោគជ័យម្នាក់ តែនៅក្រមុំចាស់មិនទាន់មានសង្សារ ខណៈមិត្តភ័ក្ដិរៀបការអស់បណ្ដើរៗ ដោយប្រកាន់ថាប្រុសៗជាមនុស្សបោកប្រាស់ ក្រោយនាងឈឺចាប់ និងអស់ជំនឿដោយសារប្រុសៗ។ ប៉ុន្តែ នាងបានជួបគ្រូទាយដ៏ពូកែម្នាក់ដែលប្រាប់ថា នាងអាចនឹងមានរឿងអាក្រក់ៗកើតឡើង ដោយសារតែចំណងមិនទាន់ស្រាយរវាងនាង និងអតីតសង្សារជាច្រើនតាំងពី វិទ្យាល័យ សាកលវិទ្យាល័យ។ ហើយនាងអាចនឹងជួបគូព្រេងពិត ក្នុងពេលទៅដោះស្រាយរឿងជំពាក់ស្នេហ៍ចាស់ៗកាលពីអតីត។ ចំណងស្នេហ៍អតីតបែកគ្នារបស់នាង និងសង្សារចាស់ ៥ នាក់ សុទ្ធតែជាការយល់ច្រឡំ ដែលបណ្ដាលឲ្យដៃគូទាំងសងខាងខូចចិត្ត។ គូព្រេងពិតនាងស្ថិតក្នុងចំណោមមនុស្សអតីតក្បែរនាងដែរ។
តើ Bright ទាំងស្អាត ទាំងពូកែ និងជាមនុស្សស្រីដែលប្រុសៗពិបាកទាក់ទង អាចដោះស្រាយចំណងស្នេហ៍អតីតបានយ៉ាងណា? នាងអាចរកឃើញគូស្នេហ៍ពិតដែរអត់?
ចង់ដឹងច្បាស់ សូមកុំភ្លេចទស្សនារឿង “Single Lady” ដែលនឹងបញ្ចាំងនៅរោងភាពយន្តផ្លាទីនៀម ចាប់ពីថ្ងៃស្អែកនេះតទៅ៕
មួយបទរបស់ ខេម ធ្វើឲ្យតារា ៥ រូប ស្ម័គ្រចិត្តកោរសក់
“តាមពិតក្នុងចម្រៀងនេះពួកខ្ញុំមិនចាំបាច់កោរសក់ក៏បានដែរ ប៉ុន្តែ ពួកខ្ញុំធ្វើបែបនេះព្រោះដើម្បីពុកម៉ែបងប្អូន ហើយខ្ញុំក៏ចង់សួរវិញដែរថា តើបងប្អូនហ៊ានលះបង់គ្រឿងញៀនចោលដើម្បីពុកម៉ែ ខ្លួនឯង និង សង្គមជាតិដែរឬទេ?”។ ក្នុងបទនេះមានការចូលរួមពីសំណាក់សម្ដែង ៤ រូបផ្សេងទៀតក៏បានស្ម័គ្រចិត្តកោរសក់ដូចគ្នាដែរ ហើយទីតាំង គឺស្ថិតនៅមជ្ឈមណ្ឌលកែប្រែខណ្ឌសែនសុខ ។
ខេម តារាចម្រៀងមកពីផលិតកម្មថោន បាននិយាយ ថា បទចម្រៀងនេះ ចង់ដាស់តឿនដល់យុវជន ដែលសេពគ្រឿងញៀនឲ្យបោះបង់ ហើយចៀសវាងការសេពគ្រឿងអបាយមុខ និង ការប្រព្រឹត្តអំពើមិនគប្បី ដែលនាំឲ្យកើតទុក្ខទោសដល់ខ្លួន រហូតឈានដល់ប៉ូលិសចាប់ ទើបមានការសោកស្ដាយអស់មួយជីវិត៕
“Single Lady” ភាពយន្តថៃបង្ហាញអត្ថន័យជ្រាលជ្រៅនៃស្នេហា
8 ways to get fit and healthy without joining a gym
Yoga classes have been rising in popularity over the years and for many, they offer a great cost-effective alternative to the gym. Yoga classes usually don’t require a membership which means you’re free to do them whenever you want, without being bound to any kind of contract or monthly fee.
If you’re really short on money, you can quite easily do yoga at home too. There are plenty of yoga DVD’s that will show you how or if you prefer, you can head to YouTube where there are hundreds of yoga guides available for free.
8 – Buy An Exercise Game
Video games are commonly regarded as one of the causes of obesity but in actual fact, video games can actually help you get fitter and healthier.
Unfortunately, we’re not talking about buying the latest PS3 game but we are talking about things like the Xbox Kinect and Wii Fit consoles. These consoles take the traditional video game and add a fitness element to them.
Sure, they might cost a couple of hundred dollars to buy in the first place but after that, you won’t have to spend any more money at all, which is more than can be said for a monthly gym membership.
9 Simple Steps to Improve Your Health (Without Joining a Gym)
If you’ve ever considered joining the local gym, you’ll know that it certainly doesn’t come cheap.
Most gyms these days will charge anywhere from $30 to $150 per month in membership costs alone and as if this wasn’t enough; many of them charge a pretty hefty joining fee too.
For a lot of people, joining a gym just isn’t affordable considering the current economic climate but the fact is, this shouldn’t stop you from achieving your goals. Believe it or not, there are plenty of ways to boost your health and fitness levels without shelling out hundreds of dollars a year on overpriced gym memberships; and a lot of them are they’re pretty simple too.
1 – Go Jogging
Jogging has to be one of the most simple, yet often overlooked ways of getting fit and healthy on a budget. It doesn’t cost a penny to experience the great outdoors and one thing’s for sure, it’s going to be much more scenic than staring at the wall in front of the treadmill down the local gym.
Jogging has to be one of the most simple, yet often overlooked ways of getting fit and healthy on a budget. It doesn’t cost a penny to experience the great outdoors and one thing’s for sure, it’s going to be much more scenic than staring at the wall in front of the treadmill down the local gym.
Sure, it might be difficult forcing yourself out of bed early in the morning when you know it’s cold outside but once you start jogging, you’ll soon wake up and hopefully, start to enjoy it too.
If you’re really not one for enjoying the morning silence, grab your iPod and stick some tunes on!
2 – Eat Properly
With increasingly hectic work schedules and families to take care of, many of us don’t look after our bodies as well as we should, often resorting to junk food in order to save time.
With increasingly hectic work schedules and families to take care of, many of us don’t look after our bodies as well as we should, often resorting to junk food in order to save time.
As any fitness expert will tell you, eating the right food is a huge part of the puzzle when it comes to staying healthy. By dedicating more time to cooking “proper” meals and cutting out processed high fat foods (e.g. burgers, chips, pizza, ready meals etc), you’ll soon start to feel healthier and more motivated than ever before.
If you don’t eat much fruit or veg, make sure to incorporate these into your diet too.
3 – Walk To/From Work
These days, we rely on transport far too much to get us from A to B. It doesn’t matter whether you drive, take the bus or even the subway, you’re not going to be burning off many calories at all.
These days, we rely on transport far too much to get us from A to B. It doesn’t matter whether you drive, take the bus or even the subway, you’re not going to be burning off many calories at all.
So, instead of relying on transport to get you where you want to go, try walking. Walking will burn off anywhere from 70 – 200 calories per mile (depending on your weight/fitness level) so if you live a couple of miles from work, walking to and from your workplace each day is likely to increase your fitness level significantly and also, cause you to lose weight.
4 – Do Bodyweight Exercises
If you’re looking to increase muscle mass or tone your body, bodyweight exercises offer a great way to workout without spending a fortune on home fitness equipment (i.e. weights, dumbbells etc).
If you’re looking to increase muscle mass or tone your body, bodyweight exercises offer a great way to workout without spending a fortune on home fitness equipment (i.e. weights, dumbbells etc).
There are a lot of different bodyweight exercises you can do including push-ups, squats, sit-ups, lunges and plenty more. Perhaps the best thing about them is that they can be performed almost anywhere and without any equipment at all.
5 – Buy A Fitness DVD
Fitness DVD’s are in plentiful supply and if followed correctly, can offer a great way to workout on a budget. Although a decent fitness DVD might set you back $20-or-so, it’s still going to be a lot cheaper joining a gym and best of all, you’ll only have to purchase it once.
Fitness DVD’s are in plentiful supply and if followed correctly, can offer a great way to workout on a budget. Although a decent fitness DVD might set you back $20-or-so, it’s still going to be a lot cheaper joining a gym and best of all, you’ll only have to purchase it once.
No matter what your goal is (weight loss, muscle building etc), you’re sure to be able to find a fitness DVD to suit your needs as these days, there are literally hundreds on the market.
6 – Drink Less Beer/Alcohol
We all like a drink every now and again but the fact is, too much can make you fat and unhealthy. Alcohol contains around 7 calories per gram which means that gram-for-gram, it has more calories than protein or carbohydrates (both of which have 4 calories per gram).
We all like a drink every now and again but the fact is, too much can make you fat and unhealthy. Alcohol contains around 7 calories per gram which means that gram-for-gram, it has more calories than protein or carbohydrates (both of which have 4 calories per gram).
It’s not just beer that makes you fat either, it’s wine and spirits too. Furthermore, these calories are empty calories meaning that they have almost no nutritional value at all.
7 – Do Yoga Classes
Yoga classes have been rising in popularity over the years and for many, they offer a great cost-effective alternative to the gym. Yoga classes usually don’t require a membership which means you’re free to do them whenever you want, without being bound to any kind of contract or monthly fee.
Yoga classes have been rising in popularity over the years and for many, they offer a great cost-effective alternative to the gym. Yoga classes usually don’t require a membership which means you’re free to do them whenever you want, without being bound to any kind of contract or monthly fee.
If you’re really short on money, you can quite easily do yoga at home too. There are plenty of yoga DVD’s that will show you how or if you prefer, you can head to YouTube where there are hundreds of yoga guides available for free.
8 – Buy An Exercise Game
Video games are commonly regarded as one of the causes of obesity but in actual fact, video games can actually help you get fitter and healthier.
Video games are commonly regarded as one of the causes of obesity but in actual fact, video games can actually help you get fitter and healthier.
Unfortunately, we’re not talking about buying the latest PS3 game but we are talking about things like the Xbox Kinect and Wii Fit consoles. These consoles take the traditional video game and add a fitness element to them.
Sure, they might cost a couple of hundred dollars to buy in the first place but after that, you won’t have to spend any more money at all, which is more than can be said for a monthly gym membership.
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